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Proposals to scrap quarantine requirements for those who have received two doses of a coronavirus vaccine are under 'consideration', the Government has confirmed.

Downing Street said it was looking at whether to drop all legal self-isolation measures for fully vaccinated people who come into contact with someone who is infected 'as part of the post-Step 4 world'.

It comes after The Times reported that a meeting of the Covid operations committee will take place on Monday at which ministers are expected to sign off a plan that will mean those who have been double-jabbed will be 'advised', after so-called 'freedom day' on July 19, to take daily tests but not be required to do so.

Video: Double-vaccinated holidaymakers returning from Portugal face quarantine (PA Media)

Double-vaccinated holidaymakers returning from Portugal face quarantine

Medical experts have appeared to back the plan, with Dr Bharat Pankhania this morning saying it would be 'perfectly OK' for people who have received both jabs to be exempt from quarantine rules as the jabs have broken the link between cases and deaths.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, the senior clinical lecturer in communicable diseases at the University of Exeter said: 'The gold standard would be to be cautious even if you have been immunised twice - in other words, fully immunised.

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'However, as a measured action going forward I think it is OK and my reasons are as follows: an immunised person is less infectious and furthermore the testing of people who are in quarantine isolating is pretty inaccurate, so balancing both, I think it is perfectly OK.'

​​Follow the latest updates below.

04:17 PM

UK coronavirus cases rise by 24,885 in highest Saturday increase since January

The UK has reported 24,885 new Covid-19 - the highest increase on a Saturday since January - and a further 18 deaths in the last 24 hours.

A total of 4,879,616 people have now tested positive for the virus as of Saturday morning.

However, while confirmed cases have gone up by 67 per cent in a week, the 118 deaths in the last seven days is a decrease of one compared with the previous week.

03:52 PM

ICYMI: Archbishop of York backs Telegraph campaign to end school bubbles

In case you missed the story last night, the Archbishop of York has called for the end of school bubbles and said children must be the priority in the next phase of the pandemic.

The Most Rev Stephen Cottrell, the second most senior Anglican in the country, said the pandemic had been 'particularly traumatic' for children and urged the Government to put them at the heart of the UK's recovery.

This week, The Telegraph launched a campaign calling on ministers to put children first as the country recovers from its repeated Covid lockdowns, with action to bring an end to the disruption in schools.

Backing the campaign, the Archbishop said the Church of England, which runs a quarter of the nation's schools and educates around one million children, was well-placed to see the 'detrimental effects' the virus crisis has had on children.

Camilla Turner has more here.

03:31 PM

Italy breaks up fake EU Covid pass schemes

Italian police said today they had broken up a number of online schemes offering to sell fake European Union digital Covid-19 status certificates or purported coronavirus vaccines.

The investigation, coordinated by the cybercrime prosecutor’s office in Milan, showed that thousands of people were ready to pay for false certificates, a police statement said.

The EU on Thursday launched a digital Covid certificate designed to help citizens travel across the 27-nation bloc and open up summer tourism.

The certificate features a 'QR' code, which indicates if a traveller has been fully vaccinated or has recently recovered from an infection or tested negative.

The police said they had seized control of 10 channels on the encrypted messaging service Telegram linked to anonymous accounts on marketplaces in the so-called dark web, through which it was possible to contact the sellers, who required payment in cryptocurrency.

Prices ranged from 110 to 130 euros for an 'all inclusive' package of fake pass and purported vial of vaccine. Some buyers came from outside the EU.

03:08 PM

Coronavirus around the world, in pictures


02:40 PM

Comment: The Government has exploited our humanity to create an inhuman system

Our sense of responsibility has been ruthlessly used to establish a regime devastating to communal life, argues Janet Daley.

Way back in the innocent era of the second lockdown, this column pleaded for the intervention of those who knew and understood the dangers of what was being done. Now that we seemed to be governed by epidemiologists, I wrote, could experts in the psychopathology of childhood and adolescence please speak up?

Well they have now, and precious little effect it seems to be having, what with a know-nothing education secretary and a government which appears to be afraid of – what exactly? The teaching unions? Some undefined threat that children could be at risk, or present an imminent danger to fully vaccinated adults? Rising case numbers which are largely a product of its own obsessive testing of children? Its own shadow? What on earth is this about? And how could a collection of supposedly responsible grown-ups not have seen this coming?

Vast numbers of teenagers, facing crucial examinations that will determine their life chances, now requiring psychiatric treatment for debilitating anxiety and depression? Who would have guessed? Answer: pretty much anybody who has raised a child, or known somebody who has raised one, or vaguely remembers what it was like to be an adolescent.

Read the full piece here.

01:53 PM

SNP's test and tracing system 'has buckled under pressure'

Commenting on announced changes to Test and Protect in Scotland, which mean that contact tracers will now be prioritising phone calls to high risk people and will otherwise be contacted via text, Scottish Labour Health spokeswoman Jackie Baillie said the news is 'an explicit admission that the SNP has failed to develop a robust test and protect system'.

Ms Baillie accused SNP ministers of failing to support staff 'trying their best to cope with the surge in numbers' which has seen Scotland with the highest case rate of the UK home nations.

“Rather than rising to the challenge of increasing cases, it has buckled under the pressure - risking our exit from the pandemic,' she said.

She added: 'It should not come as a surprise to anyone that cases would increase as restrictions lift.

“The government's failure to prepare for this is a downright dereliction of duty.'

01:41 PM

Vaccines: 250,234 more vaccines in England today

A total of 65,932,869 Covid-19 vaccinations had taken place in England between December 8 and July 2, according to NHS England data, including first and second doses, which is a rise of 250,234 on the previous day.

NHS England said 37,859,897 were first doses, a rise of 107,959 on the previous day, while 28,072,972 were a second dose, an increase of 142,275.

01:32 PM

Vietnam's daily Covid infections hit new record

Vietnam's health ministry reported 922 new coronavirus cases today, the highest daily total since the virus was first found in the country in January last year.

Most cases were in the business hub Ho Chi Minh City, where restriction orders have been in place for the past four weeks.

Vietnam has recorded 19,043 infections overall and 84 fatalities.

01:19 PM

One million US vaccine doses due in Malaysia on Monday

One million donated doses of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc's and BioNTech will arrive in Malaysia on Monday, White House officials said, with plans for more shipments to Southeast Asia soon.

The doses are from an initial batch of 80 million U.-made vaccines the Biden administration pledged last month to share globally amid concern about the disparity in vaccination rates between advanced and developing countries.

Washington has been competing with China to deepen geopolitical clout through so-called 'vaccine diplomacy,' although it says it is not sharing vaccines to secure favours or extract concessions, but to save lives and end the pandemic.

Edgard Kagan, senior director for East Asia at the White House National Security Council, told Reuters the United States was sharing 'safe and effective vaccines' with Malaysia in a moment of need and 'will be making further shipments to the region in the near future.'

Another official said the United States was 'working as fast as possible to deliver additional vaccines across Southeast Asia.'

The United States has already announced plans to provide vaccines to the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, and Cambodia.

01:01 PM

Michael Gove 'must answer question of whether he broke social distancing rules' after split from wife

Michael Gove must answer questions about whether he broke social distancing rules after his split from his wife, the shadow home secretary has said.

Nick Thomas-Symonds said the Cabinet Office minister must “clarify” his “household” arrangements because he had been key to the Government drawing up how people behave during the pandemic.

Mr Gove, 53, and his wife, Sarah Vine, 54, a journalist, announced on Friday that they had 'agreed to separate' and were finalising their divorce after almost 20 years of marriage.

Friends of Mr Gove and Ms Vine insisted that nobody else was involved in the split and the couple had simply 'drifted apart'.

They said they would not comment further. However, Mr Thomas-Symonds told Times Radio on Saturday that although Mr Gove had a right to privacy regarding his private life, he must respond to concerns rules might have been broken.

Steve Bird has more here.

12:31 PM

‘Enjoy the ride’: Southgate calls on Covid-weary fans to cheer on England against Ukraine

Gareth Southgate issued a rallying cry for the nation on Friday night, insisting his players alone could not be expected to lift the country’s mood after 15 months of a pandemic.

Ahead of England’s Euro 2020 quarter final with Ukraine in Rome on Saturday night, the Three Lions’ manager said his young team were giving the rest of England the chance to “enjoy the ride” in the wake of the misery caused by Covid-19.

His cri de coeur was echoed by Britain’s pub trade, which urged supporters to pack out their local bars to rescue a beleaguered industry.

Thousands of fans are also expected to attend socially distanced fanzones set up in cities around the country, while about 2,000 supporters, made up of English expats living in mainland Europe, are expected to travel to the Italian capital with tickets for the game.

Robert Mendick and Max Stephens have morehere.

12:16 PM

300 Italian health workers challenge vaccine obligation

Three hundred healthcare workers in Italy have lodged a legal challenge against the requirement that they get vaccinated against coronavirus, according to media reports Saturday.

The case, brought by professionals throughout northern Italy, will be heard on July 14.

'This isn't a battle by anti-vaxxers but a democratic battle,' constitutional lawyer Daniele Granara, who helped build up the case, was cited as saying in the Giornale di Brescia newspaper.

'We force people to take a risk under threat of no longer being allowed to exercise their profession,' he added.

Granara is also defending dozens of caregivers who have been suspended from work for refusing to be vaccinated.

Italy passed a law in April obliging anyone working in public or private social health positions, including in pharmacies and doctors' offices, to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or be suspended without pay, unless their employer can reassign them to a less sensitive position.

After the elderly and vulnerable, caregivers including teachers were the first to be vaccinated in Italy.

11:57 AM

Scrapping quarantine for those double jabbed being 'considered', No10 confirms

Proposals to scrap quarantine requirements for those who have received two doses of a coronavirus vaccine are under 'consideration', the Government has confirmed.

Downing Street said it was looking at whether to drop all legal self-isolation measures for fully vaccinated people who come into contact with someone who is infected 'as part of the post-Step 4 world'.

It comes after The Times reported that a meeting of the Covid operations committee will take place on Monday at which ministers are expected to sign off a plan that will mean those who have been double-jabbed will be 'advised', after so-called 'freedom day' on July 19, to take daily tests but not be required to do so.

11:51 AM

Contact tracers in Scotland to text people as default rather than call

Contact tracers are prioritising phone calls to people at high risk from coronavirus with text messages the default option amid concerns about the capacity of the Test and Protect system, the Health Secretary has said.

Humza Yousaf defended the 'sensible and practical' approach of sending text messages to contacts believed to be at low risk, freeing up contact tracers to call the more complex and higher-risk cases.

It follows a week of record-high infection numbers across Scotland - 25,107 new cases identified over the last seven days, with a peak of 4,234 announced on Thursday.

At Friday's coronavirus briefing, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon insisted the contact tracing system was 'coping well' but acknowledged it was 'under pressure' because of the surging number of cases.

Mr Yousaf has now confirmed a change in strategy, with contact tracers being instructed to message 'low-risk index cases' rather than speaking to people directly over the phone.

A Public Health Scotland report revealed that sending text messages with advice about self-isolating and getting tested became the 'default' from June 18 because of rising numbers of Covid-19 cases.

The tracing of secondary contacts has also been dropped.

11:37 AM

Why you should visit woefully uncelebrated Ukraine, after the pandemic

Today’s Euro 2020 clash between England and Ukraine may well have some fans reaching for their atlas. Despite being the Continent's second biggest landmass, and home to several Premier League stars, the eastern European nation isn’t exactly well known. And certainly not as a holiday destination.

But while Ukraine won’t be winning any big tourist prizes, it certainly isn’t without charm. The country’s most visited cities provide not just a less crowded alternative to the likes of Prague and Budapest, but also a refreshing lack of Covid officiousness.

Nearly a decade on from its most recent revolution, Ukraine’s capital Kyiv is open for business and free from violent tensions. Flights from London and Dublin have resumed after a lockdown hiatus.

A bustling ex-Soviet city home to nearly 3 million people, Kyiv can be a bit of a sensory overload to the more sheltered traveller. To get your bearings, take a leisurely walk between the various majestic churches (starting from the onion-domed St Andrews) that adorn the city centre. Try to avoid getting drawn onto Khreshchatyk, Ukraine’s answer to Oxford Street.

Robert Jackman has more here.

© Getty Flights to Kyiv from London and Dublin have resumed after a lockdown hiatus - Getty

11:09 AM

Pressure mounts to scrap school bubbles as families’ cry of despair becomes a roar

Lisa Parker has had to watch in despair as her 15-year-old son missed out on lessons, activities and “life itself” because of constant school closures.

Aside from his “woeful” GCSE lessons, she says: “It is the teenage rites of passage my son has missed that is so heartbreaking.

“His sports tour to Spain was cancelled. He’s missed his Duke of Edinburgh bronze and looks likely to miss out on silver now.

“He’s missed sitting in a park talking nonsense with his mates, the parties, the sleepovers … life itself.”

Ms Parker is one of the hundreds of parents who have contacted The Telegraph to put their anguish into words after our Campaign for Children exposed the true scale of the toll taken by school closures and enforced self-isolation on the nation’s children.

Gordon Rayner, Camilla Turner and Rosa Silverman have more here.

© Provided by The Telegraph Campaign for children (Day 5)

11:03 AM

Coronavirus across the world

Vaccination drives come in all shapes and forms...


10:21 AM

China urges nations to build 'Great Wall of Immunity' against coronavirus

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged the international community to build a 'Great Wall of Immunity' to battle the Covid-19 pandemic.

'We should face the imminent challenges together,' Wang, who is also a member of the State Council, or cabinet, told the 9th World Peace Forum held at Tsinghua University in the Chinese capital.

'The most urgent priority is to expedite the construction of the 'Great Wall of Immunity' to fend off the virus, surpass political discrimination and carry out international anti-pandemic cooperation.'

China, where the coronavirus first surfaced in the central city of Wuhan in late 2019, has supplied more than 480 million vaccine doses to other nations.

Wang said it would keep working to improve the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries.

By Friday, China had administered a total of 1.28 billion doses of vaccine

09:58 AM

Comment: Nicola Sturgeon stakes Scotland’s economic recovery on vaccine rollout – just like England

Drop-in clinics will be open north of the border from Monday as the First Minister forms a strange - but welcome - alliance with Westminster, writes Alan Cochrane.

Pressure on politicians during this pandemic has almost always favoured those on the risk-averse side of the argument, rather than those who fret and fear that the longer we remain in lockdown the longer will be our economic recovery.

That has certainly been the case in Scotland where Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister, has seemed to offer sympathy, but often little else, to businesses - especially in the hospitality sector - who have been hammered by the restrictions imposed upon them during the last 18 months.

Nevertheless, while her toughest critics would insist that it has been a long time coming, there now appears to be an acceptance, no matter how ugly the statistics appear, from the SNP leader that it is the vaccine that will see us out of our present predicament.

It’s not so much that she is displaying the fervour of a convert, more that she is persuaded by the argument that while the spread of the Indian, or delta, variant is increasing in some areas at what is seen as an alarming rate, she is prepared to counter it by the hugely successful vaccine rollout.

Read the full piece here.

09:50 AM

South Africa approves China's Sinovac vaccine

South Africa has approved China's Sinovac vaccine against Covid-19, acting Minister of Health Mamoloko Kubayi said today, as the country faces a crippling third wave of infections that has paralysed hospitals and brought its death toll to 60,000.

'I would like to express gratitude to our regulatory authority for their sense of urgency, which included reducing turnaround time to process applications for registration of ... (the) Covid-19 vaccine,' Kubayi said in a statement.

The surge in infections in Africa's most industrialised nation has overwhelmed hospitals, especially in the main city of Johannesburg, and left overworked healthcare personnel struggling to find enough beds for critically ill patients.

Just over five per cent of South Africans been vaccinated - or 3.3 million people out of a population of just less than 60 million. It has recorded two million cases so far, although low testing rates in rural areas mean the real figure is certainly higher, health experts say.

'This approval came at the time when the government is implementing an expanded and multipronged vaccination programme to reach as many people as possible, while the infection numbers continue to increase at an alarming rate,' the statement said.

09:42 AM

Comment: Prime Minister, it's the British public who deserve a letter of thanks

Boris Johnson was quick to praise the work of Matt Hancock after his resignation, but it's the British public he should be thanking, writes Bryony Gordon.

It’s the British people who have done the really hard graft. The British people, not privy to the science or the data – just the fear – who have been unable to drive to Barnard Castle for an eye test, or clutch an illicit lover in a passionate embrace. The British people who would have settled for a hug from granny.

It is the British people who have stayed home and saved lives. It is the British people who have washed their hands, worn a mask and kept their distance. And it would be nice, as we apparently approach the end of this awful experience, if the Prime Minister was to write a letter of thanks to us for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Whenever a senior member of government is caught out for breaking the rules that the rest of us follow – see Dominic Cummings, or Hancock – insiders are quick to tell political reporters that the government is constantly “surprised” by how compliant we have all been. As if this imagined non-compliance somehow excuses their very real non-compliance. I find this insulting.

Do they think so little of us that they assume we wouldn’t do whatever was asked of us to help protect our fellow citizens? And isn’t it time they acknowledged the hard work of the people they have been elected to represent, instead of expressing dumbfounded shock that we’re not all feral animals?

Read the full piece here.

09:32 AM

Indonesia rolls out tougher curbs as virus cases skyrocket

Indonesia imposed a partial lockdown today in the capital Jakarta, across the main island of Java and on Bali as the Southeast Asian nation grappled with an unprecedented wave of coronavirus infections.

Mosques, restaurants and shopping malls were shuttered in virus hotspots around the country, which recorded more than 25,000 new cases and 539 deaths on Friday, both new daily records.

Indonesia's daily caseload has more than quadrupled in less than a month. But the country's official tally to date, which stands at 2.2 million cases and 59,534 deaths, is widely believed to be a severe undercount due to low testing.

'The stricter restrictions came too late,' said Jakarta resident Maya Puspita Sari.

The crisis has pushed Indonesia's creaky healthcare system to the brink of collapse with tents set up in parking lots to handle patients at jammed medical facilities.

Hospital corridors are overflowing with the sick lying on gurneys, and infected patients have been turned away from facilities unable to cope with the influx.

09:21 AM

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What could Covid look like in the next seven years?

Most epidemiologists think Covid-19 will become endemic in humans, circulating constantly. But what effect will it have on our bodies?

This particular epidemic actually struck in 1891, when a mystery virus travelled the world, killing more than a million people. It was later called The Great Russian Flu – but Belgian scientists argued in 2005 that it was more likely caused by a human coronavirus, OC43, which jumped from cows to humans.

The virus eventually became endemic in the human population; now, OC43 is one of the four human coronaviruses in constant circulation (the others are 229E, NL63 and HKU1).

When it first struck Britain in 1891, the virus caused a frightening array of symptoms. Some victims developed a nasty cough, then pneumonia. Prince Albert Victor, Queen Victoria’s 28-year-old grandson, caught the virus at a New Year’s shooting party and died shortly afterwards.


Others experienced depression, insomnia, and even psychosis. But if you catch OC43 in the 21st century, as many readers will have done without realising it, it’s likely to leave you with nothing more than the sniffles. To friends and family, you would probably describe it as a cold.

Luke Mintz has more here.

09:16 AM

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Iran fears 'fifth wave' of Covid linked to Delta variant

President Hassan Rouhani has expressed fears that Iran will be hit by a new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, due to an outbreak of the Delta variant.

'It is feared that we are on the way to a fifth wave throughout the country,' Rouhani told a meeting of Iran's anti-virus taskforce, warning the public to be careful as 'the Delta variant has spread' in southern provinces.

Iran is battling the Middle East's deadliest outbreak of the virus.

Covid-19 has killed more than 84,000 people out of over 3.2 million detected infections in the Islamic republic, according to official figures that authorities admit do not account for all infections.

Strangled by US sanctions that have made it difficult to make money transfers to foreign firms, Iran says it is struggling to import vaccines for its population of 83 million.

Just over 4.4 million people have received a first dose of vaccine in Iran, while only 1.7 million have received the necessary two doses, the health ministry says.

09:10 AM

Ten European countries bow to pressure and accept Indian-made AstraZeneca vaccine at borders

Ten European countries have bowed to pressure and unilaterally said they will accept the Indian-made version of the AstraZeneca jab at their borders amid mounting anger from Britons who unknowingly received the vaccine.

It comes after The Telegraph revealed that up to five million AstraZeneca shots administered in the UK fell foul of the EU’s new vaccine passport scheme and could result in holidaying Britons being turned back at Europe’s borders.

The jabs, which were manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII) and quietly cleared for use by British regulators, have not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and therefore do not qualify for the EU’s vaccine passport scheme under its current rules.

As concern mounted among affected Britons, the UK authorities appeared to be trying to get the Indian shots used in Britain approved by the EMA.

Paul Nuki and Sarah Newey have more here.

09:06 AM

Fiji braces for more Covid-19 deaths as outbreak worsens

Fijian authorities have warned of a rising death toll from Covid-19 as an outbreak of the Delta variant threatens to overwhelm the South Pacific nation's health system.

Two more deaths were reported today, along with hundreds of new infections just days after the country recorded its biggest-ever daily increase.

'The steady increase in average daily case numbers in combination with other indicators suggest higher daily numbers of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in the coming weeks,' Permanent Health Secretary James Fong said in a statement on Friday.

Fiji went an entire year without recording any community coronavirus cases until April, when it was hit by a second wave of the quick-spreading Delta variant, which was first identified in India.

Since May, cases have rocketed from just over a hundred to more than 5,600, with the death toll now 27.

The government has resisted calls for a national lockdown, with Fong previously questioning whether the country could adequately enforce it in remote communities.

'I don't believe we can sustain the benefit of a lockdown, not economically and not in terms of saying the virus will stop moving,' he said.

Only about one per cent of Fiji's 930,000 people have been fully vaccinated, with the Red Cross blaming misinformation spread online for hampering the rollout.

08:55 AM

Russia reports record Covid deaths for fifth day

Russia has reported 697 Covid-19 deaths in the previous 24 hours, the fifth straight day the country has set a new record as it battles the surging Delta variant.

It also recorded 24,439 new coronavirus infections, the highest figure since the middle of January when Russia was emerging from its second wave of the pandemic.

08:39 AM

Test and Trace only tells people to self-isolate if they are a risk, expert says

Professor Christophe Fraser, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, said the NHS Test and Trace app only told recipients to self-isolate if they were at risk of infection, following criticisms it is pinging too wide a range of people.

The expert who advised the Department of Health on test and trace told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'If you check in at a venue where there has been an outbreak, essentially you get a warning which tells you you have been at that venue and informs you either to be cautious or, if it is a large outbreak, informs you to take a test - so there is no requirement to isolate.

'The requirement to isolate comes if you've come into close contact, and we've shown in our analysis that it really is a close contact - it is not six to eight metres, it is the kind of contact which gives a reasonable probability that you may have been infected and you may become a case - so if people use the app in that way, we are slowing infections.'

Asked about whether those who have been double jabbed should be exempt from self-isolating after being pinged by the app, Prof Fraser said: 'I think one of the midway proposals which would be a good way to go forward - I do agree the policy needs to be reviewed in light of the data on the vaccine effectiveness - is for the daily testing of contacts.

'When you receive a close contact notification, the one that says you've been close to somebody for an extended period of time, the possibility being looked at is you would take a test for seven days after you've been pinged by the app.

'There is a pilot, there is a trial, people will look at the data very closely but I think that would be a very promising way to reduce the amount of disruption for people.'

08:23 AM

Hospitality staff 'deleting' Test and Trace app as they 'can't afford to self isolate'

Rob Pitcher, chief executive of Revolution Bars Group, said the NHS Test and Trace app was making it 'very difficult' for the hospitality trade to recover following lockdowns.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the company's Edinburgh bar was currently closed due to an infection case, one of its Manchester bars had just undergone a shutdown of 10 days and some outlets were running with reduced hours due to a shortage of kitchen staff.

Mr Pitcher, whose company runs 66 bars, said: 'At any one point at the moment, we've probably got 10-15 per cent of our estate in some form of closure. It is having a huge impact across our business and the industry at large.'

The hospitality boss said the Test and Trace app was 'casting the net quite wide' in terms of who it pings as a close contact of a positive case, adding: 'It is making it very difficult for the industry, which has been on its knees for the last 18 months, to begin building back from that.'

He said staff were choosing to delete the app, explaining: 'What we are seeing is that team members are working out that this is their livelihood, they need to pay their rent, they can't afford to self-isolate for 10 days, so therefore they are deleting the app, so it is almost having the reverse effect of what the Government would want to be happening.

'And I'm sure our guests will start to work out that they can't afford to be off work for 10 days either, and therefore will start deleting the app also or choose not to go to hospitality venues, which are the only ones you go to where you need to scan in.'

08:10 AM

Main driver of people failing to isolate is lack of financial support, expert warns

A health psychologist working with Sage has said one of the main drivers of people failing to self-isolate when told is lack of financial support.

Robert West, professor in health psychology at UCL's Institute of Epidemiology and Health, made the comments when discussing proposals to allow those who have been double jabbed to skip self-isolation if they come into contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

Prof West told Times Radio: 'Most of the reason why people are not self-isolating even when they've got symptoms, to be honest, is because they have felt that they haven't had a financial, material and social support needed to do it.

'That's always been the big gap in our armour on this one and the Government has never really addressed that unfortunately.'

He said the solution to rising infection rates would be to give the public the right kind of support to self-isolate, but added: 'I'm not holding my breath on that one since the Government seems to have set its face against it so that is a big problem.'

07:56 AM

TikTok removes videos teaching children how to fake lateral flow tests to stay out of school

TikTok has removed a number of viral videos that showed school children how to fake a positive lateral flow test in order to stay away from the classroom after they were viewed by more than six million people.

The clips, which appeared to have been filmed in the UK, showed teenagers applying liquids to lateral flow tests in an attempt to force a positive result.

Suggestions for liquids that could be used included soft drinks and fruit.

The Telegraph’s Campaign for Children is urging ministers to reconsider its current policy of twice-weekly lateral flow testing for school children.

Professor Jon Deeks, an expert in biostatistics at University of Birmingham, said children had feigned illness to get out of school “since the dawn of time”.

“It really doesn’t take very much to game the system if you wanted to,” he said. “The system as it is is built around trust, and if there isn’t trust then it doesn’t go very far.”

Dominic Penna has more here.

07:43 AM

Expert: Politicians might be weary of restrictions but public understanding

Prof West also said that even if politicians are getting weary of lockdown, the data shows the public still understand the importance of the restrictions.

He said: 'What has been really interesting throughout this pandemic is that we've heard right from the beginning about pandemic fatigue and people getting weary and so on.

'But when you look at people's behaviour and also their attitude, what you see is something very different.'

He told Times Radio: 'By and large, although the politicians might be getting a bit weary of it, people really understand the importance of the measures and the restrictions.'

He added that when governments have introduced measures to control the pandemic, confidence in politicians has gone up.

'I think the politicians may be getting weary but actually people, when they understand the importance of these things, are on board with it,' he said.

07:37 AM

Allowing those double vaccinated to skip isolation could breed resentment, expert warns

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A senior professor in health psychology has warned that the Government's reported plans to allow those who have been double vaccinated to skip self-isolation if they come into contact with someone with coronavirus risk breeding resentment among the public.

Robert West, professor in health psychology at University College London's Institute of Epidemiology and Health, told Times Radio he could 'see the rationale' for the policy, but added: 'There are significant problems with it and at the moment those problems outweigh potential benefits.'

Prof West, who is a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, which advises Sage, said: 'The most serious problem is that if you have a situation where not everyone has been even offered the vaccine then you've already got clearly a huge unfairness.'

He said: 'When you get unfairness in situations like this, you get resentment and when you get resentment you can get loss of compliance.'

Prof West said 'the only possible scenario' where the policy might work was 'a long way down the line' when everyone has been offered a double vaccine.

06:57 AM

'Perfectly OK' for fully vaccinated to be exempt from quarantine

Dr Bharat Pankhania, a senior clinical lecturer in communicable diseases at the University of Exeter's medical school, said he thought it was 'perfectly OK' for people who had received two doses of a coronavirus vaccine to be exempt from quarantine measures.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'The gold standard would be to be cautious even if you have been immunised twice - in other words, fully immunised.

'However, as a measured action going forward I think it is OK and my reasons are as follows: an immunised person is less infectious and furthermore the testing of people who are in quarantine isolating is pretty inaccurate, so balancing both, I think it is perfectly OK.'

Asked whether he thought vaccines had broken the link between infections, hospital admissions and death, Dr Pankhania said: 'You are absolutely right in that we are now noticing that while the case numbers have gone up, a proportionate similar rise in the number of hospitalisations and deaths has not occurred and therefore we feel that the vaccines are working and they are working really well at preventing people from entering ICU, ventilators and death.

'Therefore, having uncoupled that, we can start thinking about other uncoupling measures as well, such as no need to quarantine after being fully immunised.'

Explaining his comments about testing being 'pretty inaccurate', he said quick-result lateral flow tests were giving a 'false sense of reassurance' to those testing negative.

05:56 AM

Exclusive: Children being given vaccine

Children are being vaccinated against Covid before an official decision on whether youngsters should be given the jab, The Telegraph can disclose.

Councils and GPs in virus hotspots are defying current government rules by giving the vaccine to 16- and 17-year-olds without underlying health conditions.

Rochdale Borough Council yesterday invited 'anyone aged 16 and over' to have a first dose of the Pfizer jab without the need for an appointment.

04:25 AM

'The NHS is an institution close to my heart'

Landmarks across England will mark 73 years of the NHS and thank staff for their contribution during the coronavirus pandemic.

Wembley arch, the Liver building in Liverpool, Salisbury Cathedral and vaccination centres across England are among more than 70 sites to be lit up blue today to mark the anniversary of the founding of the health service.

Football stadiums, town halls, churches, hospitals and bridges in different parts of the country will also follow suit.

It comes as events are being held across England to commemorate health workers who have lost their lives to the virus.

Sajid Javid, the new Health Secretary, wrote to NHS staff yesterday to thank them: “You’ve all done so much to support this country through this tough 18 months. I will do everything in my power to support the NHS as we work to put this pandemic behind us.”

“You’ve all done so much to support this country through this tough 18 months. I will do everything in my power to support the NHS as we work to put this pandemic behind us.”@sajidjavid wrote to NHS staff today, thanking them for everything they do.

Read the full letter below:

— Department of Health and Social Care (@DHSCgovuk) July 2, 2021

03:30 AM

Elsewhere in Australia...

Meanwhile, in the rest of Australia, residents in several major cities were released from snap lockdowns today.

They enjoyed a taste of freedom as the weekend got underway after lockdowns in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and some areas of Queensland state were lifted on Friday night.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk confirmed that a lockdown in Brisbane would be lifted later on Saturday as she reported five new Covid cases in the state.

Latest information on the COVID-19 restrictions in place to keep Queenslanders safe 👇

— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) July 3, 2021

Lockdowns, swift contact tracing and tough social distancing rules have helped Australia to suppress prior outbreaks, but the fast-moving delta strain has alarmed authorities amid a sluggish nationwide vaccination drive.

Mark McGowan, the Western Australian Premier, urged vigilance as Perth residents came out of lockdown overnight.

The news we were all hoping for: no new cases have been recorded overnight as we ended lockdown.

Please follow the interim restrictions over the next few days - we have to remain vigilant until we can be absolutely certain that there are no cases lurking in our community.

— Mark McGowan (@MarkMcGowanMP) July 3, 2021

Perth's cases were linked to the Sydney outbreak, which originated with an unvaccinated limousine driver in his 60s who transported airline crew. He tested positive for the delta variant on June 16 and numbers have since continued to climb.

03:15 AM

Biggest daily rise in infections for Sydney

© REUTERS/Loren Elliott Sydney Harbour Bridge during the winter lockdown - REUTERS/Loren Elliott

The woes continue in the Australian state of New South Wales, which recorded its biggest daily rise in Covid infections this year.

Its capital Sydney, home to a fifth of Australia's 25 million population, has been hit hardest in a flurry of outbreaks of the highly contagious delta variant around the country over the past two weeks.

State Premier Gladys Berejiklian today reported 35 new cases, 29 of which were linked to previous cases, taking total infections under the current outbreak to more than 250.

NSW recorded 35 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, of which 29 are linked to previously confirmed cases.

— NSW Health (@NSWHealth) July 3, 2021

'While the number of cases are going up, we are seeing a greater proportion of those in isolation which is what we want to see,' Ms Berejiklian said.

'We haven't seen a huge surge in cases ... (but) we know the next few days are critical.'

Sydney is halfway through a two-week lockdown. Ms Berejiklian said it was still too early to make a decision on whether to extend it.

'Health experts are giving myself and my colleagues advice on a daily basis,' she said. 'I anticipate that obviously some time next week we'll be in a position to tell the community where things are at.'

02:44 AM

Covid news from around the world

  • Saudi Arabia will restrict travel to and entry from Ethiopia, UAE, Vietnam and Afghanistan over coronavirus concerns, the state news agency reported today. The ban starts on July 4 and applies to anyone who has been in those four countries within the past 14 days. Saudi citizens returning before Sunday will be exempted.
  • Health authorities in Thailand reported more than 6,200 new Covid cases today, setting a record for a third straight day, as concerns increase over shortages of treatment facilities and vaccine supplies. Around 90pc of Thailand's more than 271,000 reported cases and 95pc of deaths have been recorded during a surge that began in early April. There were 992 deaths in June alone, more than 15 times Thailand's total for all of 2020.
© BAY ISMOYO/AFP An aerial view of a graveyard for Covid victims at Srengseng Sawah cemetery in Jakarta, a day before the implementation of emergency restrictions - BAY ISMOYO/AFP
  • Indonesia imposed a partial lockdown today in the capital Jakarta, across the main island of Java and on Bali as the South-East Asian nation grapples with an unprecedented wave of infections. Mosques, restaurants and shopping malls were shut in virus hotspots around the Muslim-majority country, which recorded more than 25,000 new cases and 539 deaths on Friday, both new daily records. Indonesia's official tally - 2.2 million cases and 59,534 deaths - is widely believed to be a severe undercount due to low testing.

02:25 AM

Legal tweaks may help Argentina's vaccine drive

Argentina will tweak legislation to help the country receive US donations of Covid vaccines, senior officials said. The move could also help unlock deals that have proved tricky with drugmakers like Pfizer.

A government decree will soften legal clauses around negligence, remove a reference to 'fraudulent manoeuvres' and create a fund to compensate people harmed by a vaccine.

The prior language had hampered negotiations with vaccine firms, and the changes could help Argentina step up its vaccine program as it faces cases and deaths among the highest in the world.

Argentina, currently facing a second wave, has recorded 4.5 million cases of coronavirus and 95,382 deaths.

Its vaccine program has been largely built around Russia's Sputnik V vaccine, China's Sinopharm and the AstraZeneca vaccine.

02:09 AM

China follows US with vaccines for El Salvador

China will send 1.5 million Sinovac Covid vaccines to El Salvador, the Chinese Embassy there announced on Friday, hours after the White House said the United States would send 1.5 million Moderna vaccines to the Central American nation.

El Salvador's president, Nayib Bukele, responded to China's plan by retweeting the embassy's announcement and placing the Chinese flag next to that of his country. He has not commented on the White House announcement.

China said it would send the Sinovac vaccines in the next few days.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said earlier that the US would send the Moderna doses on Sunday.

El Salvador has reported 78,766 cases and 2,393 deaths.

01:29 AM

'It makes no sense to remove restrictions in their entirety'

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Leading doctors are urging the Government to keep some measures in place after July in England to control the spread of Covid amid the 'alarming' rise in cases.

The British Medical Association (BMA) said that keeping some protective measures in place was 'crucial' to stop spiralling cases numbers having a 'devastating impact' on people's health, the NHS, economy and education.

Dr Chaand Nagpaul, the BMA council chair, said easing restrictions was not an 'all or nothing' decision and that 'sensible, cautious' measures will be vital to minimising the impact of further waves, new variants and lockdowns.

He added: 'As case numbers continue to rise at an alarming rate due to the rapid transmission of the delta variant and an increase in people mixing with one another, it makes no sense to remove restrictions in their entirety in just over two weeks' time.

'The promise was to make decisions based on data and not dates, and while we were pleased to see the Government react to data in delaying the easing on June 21 last month, ministers must not now simply disregard the most recent, damning, numbers by rushing into meeting their new July 19 deadline.

'We have made excellent progress with both the vaccination campaign and individual action from people across the country over the last 18 months, and the Government must absolutely not throw this away at this critical juncture.'

12:36 AM

What effect will virus have on our bodies?

The virus swamped Britain with frightening speed, hitting in three waves, killing thousands. Senior members of the government, including the Prime Minister, were confined to their sick beds. The economy was temporarily devastated. Men were more vulnerable than women; scientists still aren’t sure exactly why.

It sounds like a description of life in the UK under Covid. But this particular epidemic actually struck in 1891, when a mystery virus travelled the world, killing more than a million people.

READ MORE: What Covid could look like in the next seven years

12:29 AM

Today's top stories

  • Michael Gove on Friday night became the second senior Cabinet minister in a week to split with his wife as Downing Street refused to say whether any social distancing rules had been broken.
  • The Archbishop of York has called for the end of school bubbles and said children must be the priority in the next phase of the pandemic.
  • A five-point rescue package to ease the impact of the Covid pandemic on children is being worked up by Boris Johnson's officials after mounting pressure from Tory MPs.
  • The Government faces a battle with teaching leaders over the return to normality for students, as the head of the country’s largest education union called for face masks to return in September.
  • Children are being vaccinated against Covid before an official decision on whether youngsters should be given the jab, The Telegraph can disclose.
  • Ten European countries have bowed to pressure and unilaterally said they will accept the Indian-made version of the AstraZeneca jab at their borders amid mounting anger from Britons who unknowingly received the vaccine.

How To Fix Facebook Messenger Login Problem

Facebook is a world in itself compared to a social media platform; Millions of people around the world have a Facebook account. Facebook is one of the most popular and largest social media platforms, which ranks first in the ranking. You can do much more with Facebook than just chat, share, comment or like. You can play games; There are many to choose from. Our troubleshooting guide for today is based on issues with third-party apps and servers. A Facebook login error occurs when a user tries to connect to third-party services such as Spotify, Netflix, Twitter, and others. This is not a unique problem; This also happens when using an iPhone or Android device to log in.Roots of Facebook login error problemWhen it comes to different scenarios, the reasons for Facebook login error code 2 are different. If you are trying to connect an application or service to Facebook, the error is due to lack of permission. If you're getting an error while logging into the Facebook app, it could be a network issue, an app cache issue, a device issue, or something else entirely. Disabled When connecting an app or service, permissions are problemproblem with deviceThe server is currently unavailable.Problems with Facebook login errors of a similar natureThis application is unable to log you in due to an error.There is an error on the Facebook login page.If you're having trouble logging into Facebook, see iPhone code 1.I can't get into my Facebook account.The Pubg application is unavailable due to a login error on Facebook for Android.How to Fix Facebook Login Error Problem IssueTo fix the problem, we have compiled a list of workarounds that you can use to solve it in a matter of minutes.1.Facebook login error when trying to connect to an appMany users are facing Spotify Facebook login error while trying to connect to third-party application or service. Following are some solutions for the problem.A). Enabling PermissionsThe first reason for this Tinder Facebook login error is that a permission has been disabled in your Facebook account settings. You will undoubtedly be free from error after enabling the permission. To do this, follow the steps given below.Step 1: While on Facebook, go to Menu and choose Settings from the drop-down menu.Step 2: Now look on the left for Apps & websites and select it.• Step 3: Enable permissions for apps, websites and plugins.B). Clearing the AppIf Facebook login error code 2 persists, use this method. Sometimes the application fails to connect properly, and the error persists. In that case, proceed as directed.Step one: Try logging in with your account on a different device.Step 2: Getting started After logging in, go to Settings.Step Three: Locate and click Apps & Websites on the left.The fourth step is here where you will find the problematic application > Edit > De2. When trying to log in to Facebook, an error message appears.Many users are facing Facebook login error, please try again later when trying to log in with your smartphone devices. Listed below are some solutions. We have covered errors 1 and 2 in this section.A). set time automaticallyIf your time and date settings are not set to Automatic, a Call of Duty Mobile Facebook login error will appear. Once you set them to automatic the error will go away. Now it's time to follow the steps.for apple productsStep 1: On your smartphone, go to Settings > General. Step 2: Scroll down and tap on Date & Time.Step Three: Make sure the Set Automatically toggle here is turned on.For Android DevicesStep 1: Select Settings from the menu.Step 2: Scroll down to System and tap it.Step 3: Next, go to Date & Time and change everything to the time provided by the network.B). reset network configurationFor apple productsStep 1: On your smartphone, go to Settings > General.Step 2: Select Reset from the drop-down menu.Step 3: You will see several reset options here; Select Reset Network Settings and tap it.Step 4: You will be asked if you want to reset network settings; just say yes.Step 5. Once this is done, go ahead and reset your location settings. Step 6. Now try to login.For Android DevicesStep 1: Select Settings from the menu.Step 2: Scroll down to System and tap it.Step 3: Scroll down till you find Reset option > and then click on it. Wi-Fi, Mobile and Bluetooth should all be reset.Conclusion:Facebook login error code 2 is a common problem that is not very serious; However, by following the tips, methods and solutions listed above, the error can be easily resolved. We have also considered some possible causes of the problem.We hope your problem is resolved; Stay tuned for more tips and guides. Thanks a lot!>>>Related Post:Logout of Facebook Messenger: Step-by-step GuideHow Do I Login Facebook with Instagram?
